Scandi Style

Scandi Style: 5 Tipps für ein zu Hause voller Gemütlichkeit

In den nordischen Ländern wird Gemütlichkeit großgeschrieben! Mit dem Einsatz von natürlichen Materialien und sanften Farbtönen verwandelt sich jeder Raum in ein einladendes Heim für Familie und Freunde. Der beliebte Scandi Stil setzt dabei auf eine klare Linie und Funktionalität, ohne dabei auf überflüssige Dekorationen zu setzen.

Möchtest auch Du diesen zeitgenössischen Wohnstil, der das Einfache betont, bei Dir zu Hause umsetzen? Lass Dich von unseren Einrichtungstipps und Gestaltungsideen für den skandinavischen Wohnstil begeistern!

Hier findest Du praktische Ratschläge und Tipps wie Du den Look mit einfachen Mitteln in Deinem Zuhause realisieren kannst - Viel Spaß!


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Prinzip des Glücks

Lagom "In Perfekter Balance"

"Lagom" ist das schwedische Prinzip des Glücks. Es steht für ein Leben in Balance und Zufriedenheit. Diese Philosophie spiegelt sich im skandinavischen Lebensstil wider, der Nachhaltigkeit und die Wertschätzung des Moments hervorhebt.

In Bezug auf das Interior Design des Scandi Styles zeichnet sich "Lagom" durch den Einsatz natürlicher Materialien, die Priorisierung von Qualität und eine helle, naturverbundene Atmosphäre aus.

- Bell Kink

Gründerin von Studio Belize


Was versteht man unter dem Scandi Stil?

Das skandinavische Design, das in den 1950er Jahren in Dänemark, Norwegen, Schweden und Finnland seinen Ursprung fand, zeichnet sich durch eine Bewegung aus, die Einfachheit, Minimalismus und Funktionalität in den Vordergrund stellt.

Getreu dem Prinzip "Halte es einfach" – setzen die Skandinavier bei ihrer Einrichtung auf eine durchdachte Auswahl von Möbeln & Design-Objekten.

Das Interior Design des Scandi Stils ist unaufdringlich, gemütlich, mit einem geradlinigen, klaren Design, das sowohl praktisch als auch funktional ist. Somit steht bei skandinavischem Design die Funktion und ein Gefühl des Wohlbehagens stets im Einklang mit der Form.


  1. Entdecke den Scandi Style: Einfachheit trifft Natur
  2. So gelingt dir der Scandi Style zu Hause (Anleitung)
  3. Tipp 1: Die Farbpalette deiner skandinavischen Einrichtung
  4. Tipp 2: Gemütlichkeit durch skandinavische Materialien
  5. Tipp 3: Beleuchtung im Scandi Style
  6. Tipp 4: Möbel für den skandinavischen Look
  7. Tipp 5: So dekorierst du im Scandi Style
  8. Der Scandi Style für jeden Raum
  9. Wohnzimmer im skandinavischen Stil gestalten
  10. Scandi Style für dein Schlafzimmer
  11. Küche im skandinavischen Stil

1. discover the Scandi style: simplicity meets nature

Scandinavian furnishing means providing access to diverse designs for everyone. A central aspect of this living philosophy is the deep connection with nature. This is reflected in the use of natural materials and organic shapes in furniture and decorative items, as well as in a conscious, sustainable approach. Swedes and Norwegians in particular value their extensive forests and fields, which are deeply rooted in their interior design style. But different Nordic lifestyles also characterize the Scandinavian style of living. For example, the Swedish "Lagom " stands for the pursuit of a balanced life, which is expressed in the living area through a perfect blend of coziness and minimalism. Danish hygge, on the other hand, emphasizes a warm, inviting atmosphere.

2 How to achieve the Scandi style at home (instructions)

Introducing the trendy Scandi style into your home is easier than you think! It is not necessary to renovate immediately or replace all the furniture. Small adjustments are often enough to bring Nordic charm into your own four walls. Here are the five most important tips and tricks for you!


3. tip 1: The color palette of your Scandinavian furnishings

The inhabitants of Denmark, Sweden and Norway generally do not prefer bright colors. Although there are exceptions, and color highlights are welcome, simple colors such as white, beige and gray predominate.

4th tip 2: Coziness through Scandinavian materials

The countless forests and natural places of Scandinavia are characteristic, which is why local wood is preferred for furnishings. The focus here is on light-colored woods such as spruce, birch or pine. This natural material radiates warmth, adds fresh accents and is also sustainable.

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5. tip 3: Lighting in Scandi style

Lighting plays a central role in the Scandinavian style of living, as the long summer days in Scandinavia unfortunately don't last all year round. In the darker months of the year, various light sources create a cozy atmosphere and set accents.

6. tip 4: Furniture for the Scandinavian look

When choosing furniture such as sofas or armchairs, you should tend towards neutral colors. Make sure that your furniture is not only comfortable, but also functional and straightforward in design so that it doesn't look too massive and remains timeless.


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7. tip 5: How to decorate in Scandi style

There's no need to rush into redesigning your entire home in Scandinavian style. Introducing a new style into your home can take time. Many interior design enthusiasts start with small steps and gradually feel their way forward.

8. the Scandi style for every room

Do you want to design your home in Scandinavian style but are unsure where to start? The good news is that the Scandi style can easily be implemented in almost any room - be it the living room, bedroom, kitchen or bathroom. Scandinavian decoration can also be effortlessly integrated into children's rooms or dining rooms. So don't put too much pressure on yourself and start with the room that is most important to you. We'll show you how you can easily implement the Scandi style there.

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9. design your living room in Scandinavian style

The living room is often the focal point of the home, where it should not only be practical, but also particularly cozy. You can easily create this cozy atmosphere with the Scandi style. The best way to do this is to follow these tips for your Scandinavian living room:

  • Light colors: create a bright and inviting base for the Scandinavian style. This means that the walls should be painted in the lightest possible shades such as white, cream or beige.
  • Warm light: A bright, friendly home increases well-being - the Scandinavians have long recognized this! With an attractive floor lamp next to your sofa, you can create a cozy reading spot.
  • Cosy sofa: The Scandi style is particularly emphasized by a striking piece of furniture such as a large living area. Choose a simple model that you can redesign again and again with decorative cushions and blankets.
  • Stylish prints: Despite the preference for simple elegance, patterns have a firm place in the Scandinavian living room, especially on textiles and accessories such as cushions, rugs, pictures and vases.
  • Natural materials: The calming effect of nature is indispensable in your Scandinavian living room. Furniture and decorative objects made of wood and textiles made of natural materials characterize the relaxed look.

10 Scandi style for your bedroom

The bedroom can also be furnished in a Scandinavian style. Clear lines create a harmonious ambience. Typical for Scandinavian-style bedroom furniture are matt white lacquers and light-colored natural woods, but also:

  • Material mix: In Scandi style, many pieces of furniture can also be combined from different series without creating a chaotic look. With different woods, make sure that the materials harmonize.
  • Reduced decoration: Scandinavian design may be simple in principle, but it doesn't make your bedroom any less cozy. With minimalist decorations, expressive wall decorations and simple candlesticks, you can create your own personal oasis of calm.
  • Cozy textiles: decorative cushions or a bedspread bring the necessary cosiness into the room and also set colorful accents that put you in a good mood.

11. kitchen in Scandinavian style

The classic country house style doesn't always have to be the first choice! A Scandinavian kitchen impresses with its versatility in the choice of colors:

  • Classic color choice: White remains the favorite, often combined with delicate pastel shades and subtle natural colors. A mix with modern materials such as marble creates a cozy, lively design.
  • Trend look: In addition to white, a monochrome Scandi look in black and white is also very popular. Dark colors create contrasts and give the kitchen clarity and calm.
  • Cosiness: Typical Nordic cosiness is created by wooden boards, linen tea towels and jute rugs.
  • Pattern mix: A restrained design can be enhanced with patterned textiles. A harmonious mix of materials completes the Scandinavian kitchen.