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Baby room for boys


Baby room for boys: 5x ingenious furnishing tricks

Whether it's a boy or a girl, there is plenty of time to design the baby's room during pregnancy. If you take the time to plan and find out about baby furniture, the design process is a lot of fun.

However, designing the baby room for a boy requires more than just a supposedly masculine wall color. From choosing the right changing unit, to a beautiful crib, to children's closets that grow with the child.

Be inspired by the ideas of our interior design specialists. Their tips will show you how to create a beautiful baby room for your little one.


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Baby room for boys: 5x ingenious furnishing tricks

Whether it's a boy or a girl, there is plenty of time to design the baby's room during pregnancy. If you take the time to plan and find out about baby furniture, the design process is a lot of fun.

However, designing the baby room for a boy requires more than just a supposedly masculine wall color. From choosing the right changing unit, to a beautiful crib, to children's closets that grow with the child.

Be inspired by the ideas of our interior design specialists. Their tips will show you how to create a beautiful baby room for your little one.

1. the baby bed that grows with your child - designing a baby room for boys

You determine the style of the baby room with your choice of crib. You can choose from classic and purist models or country-style cribs.

Babies go through different stages of development. To ensure that the crib is always a safe sleeping environment for your little one, parents should be able to adapt the crib to changing needs. Baby cribs that grow with the child offer mattress positions at different heights. Parents can place the newborn baby, who is not yet mobile, in the higher position to protect their back, while the low position is intended for the mobile baby, who can already sit up on their own. The latter prevents the baby from falling out of bed due to the side walls that cannot be climbed over.

Tip: Your crib should have height-adjustable mattress positions and removable side panels.

2. baby room set for your boy's room

A complete baby room always includes:

  • crib
  • Changing unit
  • Children's wardrobe
  • Play mat
  • Age-appropriate toys

With some manufacturers, you can order entire coordinated baby room furniture sets. This is a convenient way to buy matching furniture for the baby's room. These offers often include attractive price advantages compared to buying the individual products. So if you fall in love with the style of a particular manufacturer, it makes sense to take a closer look at the preconfigured baby room sets. Usually 3-piece baby room sets are offered, but also 4-piece or 5-piece baby room sets. Even if the total price seems high at first, you can usually save money with the purchase. Because in the end you still need the essential items such as a crib, changing unit and closet.

3. ideas for a boy's baby room

A open children's closet according to Montessori is a wonderful piece of furniture for both parents and your boy. If your child is not yet mobile, you can wonderfully store baby bodysuits, baby pants, jackets and even baby shoes.

From the age of 1.5 years, he will begin to take the baby clothes out of the children's closet on his own and make his first attempts to dress himself. according to Montessori, this promotes your child's independence.

It is important that the children's closet is easily accessible for your baby or toddler. And with a bit of luck, your little one will also start putting baby clothes and toys back, which will also teach him to keep things tidy.

4. toys from 1 year for boys

When it comes to toys for babies and toddlers, motor activity toys play a very special role. For babies and toddlers, movement means promoting development. Accordingly, parents who want to offer their children meaningful toys make sure that motor skills & activity toys are always within reach for their children in the baby room.

Motor activity toys include stacking toys, grasping toys and, of course, the baby room classic, the Emmi Pikler climbing triangle.

The great thing about motor activity toys is that children can play and develop at their own pace. By playing with motor skills toys, children become more independent and develop their motor skills and muscles. A sense of achievement, such as scaling the climbing rungs of the climbing triangle, visibly strengthens self-confidence and is a lot of fun.

Motor skills toys such as the climbing triangle turn the home into a place of curiosity and adventure. Parents admire their children's skills and are delighted to see their children's eyes light up when they have mastered the next climbing rung.

When furnishing a baby's room, especially for active boys, activity toys such as the climbing triangle are simply ideal. They offer your child a great way to let off steam.

5. setting up the changing unit - the smart way

After the crib, the most important element in a boy's nursery is the changing unit. It is the central element for daily changing routines and is in daily use from birth.

Tips for setting up the changing unit

To set up the changing unit correctly, you should first make sure that the changing mat or changing surface is the right height for you and your partner. Nothing is more strenuous than changing your baby several times a day in a position that is uncomfortable for you. The height of the changing unit is the key to success when changing your baby without straining your back.

If the changing surface is large enough, you should have space for the most important changing utensils. Place a few diapers, the most important creams and a pack of wet wipes neatly on the changing surface. The diaper bin should also be easily accessible from the changing unit.

Baby clothes should be stored on the first shelf of your changing unit or in the first drawer. Place bodysuits, tights, rompers, sleeping bags and pyjamas as well as baby socks here.

On the shelves or drawers below there is still enough space for supplies of diapers, creams, baby oil, medicine and vitamins.
